Gems of the Desert – Uncle Fester and Sakimakibug

One of my favorite stories is how this 6 foot painting came to be. My toddler son broke his elbow requiring surgery, then shortly after that broke his foot. The bills were mounting and we were starting to panic wondering how to pay all of our bills. My son’s orthopedic surgeon was kind enough to accept my offer to trade the debt with my artwork. The doctor was very impressed that I was willing to pay the debt rather than ask for it to be relieved.
He gave me photos of his dogs and I worked for several weeks. About the time he started wondering if I was probably going to follow through, the artwork was delivered. The doctor was so impressed that he and his wife invited me and my husband over, paid us an additional amount for the painting (more than what I owed him) to show me he valued my trade just as I had valued his. He and his wife also encouraged my early art by commissioning more pieces. I consider them lifelong friends and most of all appreciate the risk they were willing to take with me and show me what kindness looks like.
This is so great! Your artwork is amazing! I saw this piece in the doctors office. I too have a pug named Duke and a Boston Terrier named Frankie (girl). This portrait is amazing! Assuming it was Dr Hr…. that you worked with! He is a special doc and has taken great care of our daughter.