One Small Boy – Children’s Book

The Big Game that Changed Everything for One Small Boy: The True Story of Neil Goodman in 1925
This is the project my mother and I embarked on to tell the fun story of my Grandpa Neil Goodman. He couldn’t make his high school basketball team because of he was too short. But he never gave up on his dream and his senior year he finally made the second squad (Junior Varsity) substitute list. This story tells about the big game where he was given a chance to show what he could do!
I also included some fun amazing facts about his career after high school, like becoming an All-American and belonging to the University of Arizona’s Hall of Fame.
This project was much more difficult than I imagined – to illustrate, format, edit, and self-publish a children’s book – is no easy feat. Not to mention the historical digging to find little gems like photos and newspaper articles. But I am so thankful to my mother for pursuing this and to the Lord for pursuing me.
Books are $20 each and I would be happy to make arrangements to send you one.
Book Excerpts